VNL 670 fan clutch

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by Imani100, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. flood

    flood Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    Other than the drop in mpg short term a week or so you should be fine. I've gone 2 weeks and was fine

    You can have it rebuilt or new. The price difference is not worth it. The reason is the rebuild parts are cheaper but more labor and doesn't fix 1 important part.... the inside of the hub where the clutch are slides, if their are nicks, ridges the new clutches can catches and can lock the fan on. That was the problum with my last hib..... everything was fine with the hub but it had a few groves and would stick on..

    Try not to eait to l9ne to get checked. Running all the time puts alot of stress on the bearings, if it comes apart it could cost you the radiator (tow), maybe the CAC, overflow tank, hoses.... think about this the fan is pulling air if it comes apart all that force will pull it forward into the radiator and the blades will break off and fly everywhere.....

    Like I said you'll be ok for now but get it into a shop soon
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  3. Imani100

    Imani100 Light Load Member

    Mar 12, 2017
    Call a shop and see how quick it is to repair time wise, then on route see if you can find someone with good reviews to get in you in real quick i don’t think it’s a long job 2-3 hours or get it fixed at night if you can find a truck stop with a shop better then risking a tow bill but if you feel lucky then that’s how you feel
    flood and Jacoooooooo Thank this.
  4. Rob100100

    Rob100100 Light Load Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    Had mine go in Montana on way to Los Angeles Buy the Volvo fan hub. Do not buy the rebuild kit. It isn’t worth it. Yes it is more but you are much better off. The rebuild doesn’t last. The petro in Ontario California did the work. About 3 hours maybe a bit more. Picked up part at Volvo dealer in Fontana. Cost was about 900 us iirc. Buy the part yourself and save some money.
  5. Burdisco

    Burdisco Light Load Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    Purchased a Kit Master from FGI in Mississauga in 2015 and it has running since then. This type of Fan Hub has adjustable friction bands so when the wear they can be adjusted. This is fitted to an ISX, 2005 see picture. Has a manual on/off switch and a ECM operated on/off.
  6. a.atakhanov

    a.atakhanov Bobtail Member

    Sep 1, 2024
    Having the same exact issue. My driver pick up the truck from the shop(who also installed a fan switch), drove 500 miles and fan belt came off due to bad fan hub. Mechanics replaced the hub and put new belt, but fan kept spinning. Dealer was closed already, so driver replaced the solenoid next day(1100 miles after). Fan is still spinning like mf. I don't know if it's due to consistently spinning fan but new belt started shredding and coming off too. We replaced the belt again last night.

    Ignition off - Tried to spin the fan by hand - it didn't spin.
    Ignition on - it spins by hand
    Does that mean that fan clutch is fine?
    Also, driver says that when he picked up the truck fan was already spinning like this. (Of course he didn't tell me that)
    Do you think mechanic might have messed up something when he was installing that fan switch?
    Let me know how you fix it please. Thank you
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