information on knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by crst trucker 06, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. moujick

    moujick Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2007
    You make it at Knight that kind of money? :biggrin_25514:
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  3. moujick

    moujick Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2007
    You can not make more then 2200 mi a week at Knight:biggrin_25513:
  4. JimDriv3r

    JimDriv3r Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2009
    When I get the time, I'll PM you a sample of my stubs.
  5. moujick

    moujick Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2007
    You are O/O or dedicated for Marcy’s to make this kind of money, I make that much money back to 03 true 07 not anymore, dream, dream, dream :biggrin_25510:

  6. That is a nitemare i would not want to experience and trust me i have had alot in the past, Not at knight, at universal am can, I am thinking of trying knight refrigerated out but after reading all the bad things about them i think ill look elsewere, As a company driver problem is out of all the companies i have checked only 3 are hiring in my area and they all suck. FFE, knight and crete (crete told me they would make me stay out a minimum of 45 days and only give me 4 days max off) that is not gonna work. Other than that i think Crete is a good company. Dont go to universal am can if you are an owner op, you will loose your truck like i did do to cheap frieght and sitting for a week every other week.

    I once sat for a week at home unable to get a load (amarillo tx) then got a good load to fl, sat for a week there, got a ld to ny state sat for 4 days,
    I have been driving for 10 years and im trying to find a regular job (non trucking) cause i am fed up with trucking, problem is trucking jobs are the only ones i have found so far. This economy really sucks. and the real unemployment rate is near 22% not 8 or so like the liars in D.C say.
    anyway wish me luck, if all else fails ill join the army, at least i can blow #### up and not go to prison for it as a way of letting off alot of frustration :)
  7. flatretread61

    flatretread61 Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2011
    Minneapolis, Minn.
    I have not been driving since April, and was looking at Knight Refrigerated out of Maple Grpve, Minnesota. After reading what everyone is saying about Knight, I think I will go with the majority, and look at some other company. Didn't sound like fun at all.
  8. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Knight is basically just a 'transition' co., for those with minimum experience (you'll find many former Swift drivers there), who are desperate or dont know any better, but will eventually wise up and move on to a 'more' reputable co., after getting burned out while gaining some more experience.

    Knight really wants drivers who are 1 yr or less in experience, who will put up with their crap (not knowing any better), and drives away those good drivers with 3+ yrs experience and having a good driving record who can find jobs elsewhere that will pay them what they are worth.

    You, with your 2 yrs driving experience, having made the decision to avoid Knight, are ahead of your time..!!:yes2557:
    Dna Mach and truckerdave1970 Thank this.
  9. DJCleary

    DJCleary Bobtail Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Beebe Arkansas
    I tend to agree with you. I have now been here 3 years. rarely sit, i get 2900 to 3200 miles per week. Out of the memphis yard (Olive Branch). The folks at my terminal are great, always treat me well and i don't ever catch any flak from anyone. I run all 48 and dont seem to have any problem getting frieght to haul as i stay preplanned most of the time. I get an occaisional crap load but its usually backed up well so io dont grouse about it.
  10. capfiremedic

    capfiremedic Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2012
    Bay St. Louis, MS
    What about the Gulfport MS terminal, any news there?
  11. kjstrouble

    kjstrouble Bobtail Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Omaha, NE
    I started with Swift in Feb after I got out of school, but had an accident during my first 240 hours, so was terminated. I need to get back on the road, but so far have not had any luck, I wonder if Knight would be worth it just to get back out till my 1 year wait (no new accidents needed) is up?
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