I've had my 2008 sterling with a MBE400 13 speed 3.90 gears. Has Anybody have problems with egr coolers. I have replaced 4 now and I just
had that one go within just under 6 months. Has anyone else had this problem or is it just me!!!!!!!!
Detroit wants nothing to do with me saying they don't have this problem anywhere else. Is it my luck or are they just not admitting a problem.
By the way I only have just under 800k. Just throwing it out there
2008 mbe4000 erg cooler replacement
Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by chrcun, Nov 21, 2013.
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This Post definitely belongs in the Garage forum. Lets see if we can get it moved for you by a Mod. Good Luck !
chrcun Thanks this. -
I went through.....ONE on my 2006, in 884k miles.
So it is indeed not a common problem. I think I have a spare one, from a motor I tore apart, at home.
What is it doing exactly? Leaking into the intake?
I blocked mine off, at both ends, so if it leaked, it couldn't enter the motor.
Martinchrcun and The Challenger Thank this. -
have serviced a fleet (15) for 6 years.have had 1 leak 2 years ago.replaced.no further problems.
chrcun Thanks this. -
Thanks To All For Your Thoughts And Input. There Is A Shop that wiill reprogram my ECM so that it over rides the DPF symtem,But I have to replace the Cooler First. I am a little reluctant To, but I Know of People Who Have And It Works Great.
My 2006 was blocked off for too many years to count, worked great.
See if they are the same, if so, how about $50 plus shipping for the cooler from my old motor?
Martinchrcun Thanks this. -
One possibility with repeat failures of EGR coolers is improper installation. If it is installed slightly misaligned, once all the connections are bolted in place the cooler body will be stressed and prone to cracking. Over torquing fasteners is an easy way to over stress them as well.
chrcun, QUALITYTRUCK and 25(2)+2 Thank this. -
The Mechanic that is installing does this on a regular basis. I don't think thats my problem
leftlanetruckin and Heavyd Thank this.
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