Perhaps because us "know it alls" aren't stupid enough to believe everything we hear like some people here of lesser intelligence.
The more likely scenario is he's too busy hitch hiking home after going broke to post. Or too humiliated.
10-1 Receiving Poorly 10-2 Receiving Well 10-3 Stop Transmitting 10-4 Ok, Message Received 10-5 Relay Message 10-6 Busy, Stand By 10-7 Out...
There ya have it. The justification to be stupid that you're looking for. Knock yourself out.
So basically you want to ignore the advice of many and you're looking for someone to tell you it's OK to lease from a bottom feeder. Why do you...
You can get in with good companies after 6 months. No need to put up with the bottom feeders for 2 years.
Leasing from a company you drive for is NEVER a good idea for anyone despite what you may read here from those that just didn't listen.
I assume you have facts to back up that statement or are you relying solely on your clairvoyant abilities?
Sometimes they don't have a choice with no experience. Still no reason to think they have to stay 3 years. That's ridiculous. 6 months to a year...
Google the coercion law. Any company that "punishes" you in any way for not breaking the law would be in serious trouble and owe a lot of money....
Haha! Isn't that the truth?
Actually, I think he's spot on with his assessment of you.
There is SO much fundamentally wrong with the OP's plan I don't know where to start except I'll be ###### if I did this for a lousy $500 a week!...
Better yet buy one and set it up to run. Of course everyone with a fast truck runs reckless, huh?
The way I'm setup, I do best around 68mph. 1500 rpm is the sweet spot on my 6nz 550 running @ 650hp (custom file/ fls/fts #s/turbo/torque setting,...
Always locked and ####ed!
I've been here way longer than you. Those that know who i am knows this. I tell it like it is. You don't have to like it. So how bout you go away,...
There's no need to stay with ANY bottom feeder company for 3 years. Bad advice! People jump ship in this profession all the time to better...
Wrong. It's not accessible by ANYONE without your consent. I took 20mg oxycodone IR/6X day for 5 years. Had 2 Dr's.that said I was fine to drive...