I am a current employee of transport america asking other TA drivers if they have the company inverter (tundra M 1500 watt) and if they are able to play ps4 with it. Mine is attached to the batteries and it still wont power my ps4. Mechanics installed the inverter. Any thoughts?
Does a ps4 work with the company inverters?
Discussion in 'Transport America' started by Cautious cricket, Oct 28, 2016.
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The ps4 only draws about 140 watts when playing games and a small tv shouldnt draw more than 80 watts, so you should be good to go
Odin's Rabid Dog Thanks this. -
Get a line tester available at hardware store. You plug it in, if the power is good it has 2 yellow lights, if its bad there's different combinations of red and yellow light for reversed polarity, loose ground, etc. About eight bucks. Good for diagnosing issues with 110 volt circuits.
No zombie killing for you.
Drivers have time to play PS4 with all this money to be made...
Amazing.Oldironfan Thanks this. -
Matt43324 and Odin's Rabid Dog Thank this.
Jeez. How about heading home, where real family is? now thats work-life balance.
Or getting out of your truck and talk to real people?Oldironfan Thanks this. -
But I want to kill zombies! C'mon help the poor little guy out.
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