Your advice for a rolloff business truck?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Fredy, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    You wont find the chains on goolge, there just quality hevey chain, 4 foot long with one hook. What you do is pick the box, draw it up till the wheels of the dumpster are near the points of your stinger, then pass the chian through the rail of the box and around one tip of your stinger, then tighten your winch cable. Secures the box back to the rear of the truck, rather than pulling it all the way to your horns. Some dumpster wheels will sit to low, and pulling it all the way up, then put it down, the wheels of the box crush into your fenders. As for solid v movable stinger, the last 3 feet of your rails can be exstentable, if equiped. So lets say you are on flat ground, your rack needs 12 feet of vert. Clearance to have the stinger touch the ground, well with a pistion stinger you can push out the stinger and reduce the reqired hight clearace to lets say 9 or 10 feet, may never need such aplications but alot of underground loading docks have very limited hight exccc...
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  3. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    And the reason i call it a speed chain is its fast and dirty, when used technicly you only have 2 out of a required 3 points of positive contact with the truck. Using a 8 foot you go through both rails on the box, and around both stinger tips. 3 points.
  4. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    Oh and butterfly wings are flip up tabs mounted inside the rails that can be fliped up to stop smaller dumpsters farther back on the rails. Tbey look like butterfly wings...
  5. Fredy

    Fredy Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2016
    Washington, D.C
    Oh ok I understand these three things your talking about. The stinger, chains, and butterfly tabs.
    Street beater in your opinion, if I anticipate 25-35K miles/year. Do you think new or used truck would be appropriate? Could you check out some used truck listings?
  6. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    Well if you figure high at 40,000 a year, thats around 150 a day. I was averaging 350 to 430 a day. Did a min of 8 to 10 a day, with my pup i could turn 14 to 16... if you post some links id be happy to give my opinion on them, however it is your money... i will say 400 plus horse, and a jake are the first two things you want. Beyond that it becomes more personal prefrance. We didnt have tag axles, but we were registered to 54,900 most of the trucks had a wet weight of around 31 grand, giving us that 11 ton plus box weight. I like a piston stinger personaly, but its a extra hydro to break. And the solid can handle more weight. (With a solid you can start droping tbe rack as soon as the box is on the tips, with a piston if the box is heavy you should wait till the box is closer to the step (where the sliding part meets the main rail)
  7. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    And nothing wrong with a used truck, but think about life expectancy. I put 330,000 miles on a brand new truck in 5 or 6 years... if your gonna go used, and if its a dealer, whatever they want, offer 10 grand less for exspected wearout products, you may need a new main cable, or pistion seal job, or tarp material.. how beatup is the pto? Losing a pump aint cheap, and think about this, you lose your pump, or main line on a public street, now the cost of repair plus the cost of cleaning up 35 gallons of hydro that sprayed all over.... (carry a spill kit)
  8. Fredy

    Fredy Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2016
    Washington, D.C
    That's right, I've been seeing used trucks 4-5 years with that many miles and more so I'm concerned about their reliability. I think new is the way to go since I know how it's going to be treated and intend to keep for several years. I've been in this business for almost a year but small scale. What are your suggestions/advice for running a successful dumpster rental company?
  9. Fredy

    Fredy Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2016
    Washington, D.C
    Oh another truck question. What should I look for in a truck in order for it be moveable when loading/unlaoding a dumpster? I know that the truck has to slide underneath a dumpster when loading and not just rely on brute strength to load up the dumpster. I wouldn't want the PTO to disengage if I were to shift gears. Does that make sense? Is that related with automatic or manual transmissions?
  10. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    Autos are a little more of a pain than man for that, a man. You just leave it in nutrual, useing the go pedal to give yourself faster hydro speed, play with the brake, you only need half the box on the rails before you tip up the wheels of the box off the ground. In a auto, you can do the same, or leave it in gear with your foot on the brake, slower hydro action but your in gear to move forward or whatever. Just a little practice,
  11. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    But you can use brute strength to, figure you got 60,000 lb pistons, and a 60,000 lb cable. Everything breaks at 30 tons, at least thats how mine was riged.
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