Heyl Journey with xlsdraw

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by xlsdraw, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. YardDart

    YardDart Medium Load Member

    Jul 25, 2011
    Mustang, ok
    Im sure in your 50 years or however long you drove you forgot something at sometime. Something that you automatically do on instinct. But hey we all can't be perfect I guess.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
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  3. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Parked at the Love's @ Tonkawa, Ok. Twas nice rolling thru Houston around 02:00 and Dallas around 05:30. Should arrive at the J or Love's next to the North Platte Wally around 14:00-15:00 tomorrow. Got a 03:15 appt Thursday. Made it thru the rest of the day ok. An uneventful day tomorrow sure would be nice for a change. Got my fingers crossed. Thx for the support guys.
    jlind and paul_4lp Thank this.
  4. Dinomite

    Dinomite Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    Looking 4 Rocks
    I don't think Heyl be there much longer. This is the worst Heyl thread ever. Are you sure you work for Heyl? Ok enough of the Heyl jokes. Really dude do you have a plan b this thread is really going to Heyl. I'm sorry had to get one more in. I do hope it get's much better for you. Heyl I don't think it can get any worse. I'm sorry I need to exit this is Heylarious.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
    Safari Joe, double yellow and paul_4lp Thank this.
  5. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Woke up this morning ready to start my day only to find flashing regen light and solid engine light. Visor reads for that combination: "Vehicle Must be parked and a Parked Regeneration Must be performed- engine willbegin to derate." Really, at 02:30 in a Love's parking spot. This POS is gonna get me shot. I think maybe this truck doesn't like to continuously idle. Yesterday morning, the first day after starting the continuous idle BS, I had just the solid regen light on. For that visor reads: " Bring vehicle to highway speed to allow for Automatic Regeneration or perform a Parked Regeneration." And once I started driving the light went away so I assumed it regenerated while driving. So I guess I'll have to plan to start each day with a Parked Regeneration. Reefer? What reefer? I don't hear no reefer.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
    stungjoe and paul_4lp Thank this.
  6. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Amazingly, the regen only took exactly 30 minutes. Yes, I timed it.
    J. JETT and paul_4lp Thank this.
  7. Weeble Kneeble

    Weeble Kneeble Heavy Load Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Rip City
    The good thing is, Heyl trades them in no later than 600k, or so I'm told. I know I only have to do a parked regen when I've been idling in frigid temps, haven't had this truck in the heat so I'll find out if it does the same. Only takes about 10 min.

    Keep on plugging away man, I think you and I both know it will get better.
    paul_4lp and xlsdraw Thank this.
  8. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    I agree. Almost has to. I assure you I am determined to make this work. Hoping things go well whenever I make it to Akron. Weeble, do you work here at Heyl?
    Weeble Kneeble Thanks this.
  9. Weeble Kneeble

    Weeble Kneeble Heavy Load Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Rip City
    No, I was very close though. I work at Central Oregon Truck Company. I was on the quad fleet tarping and untarping everyday until my shoulder that will need surgery at some point said no mas. I gave my two weeks and then they gave me a Conestoga, God's gift to flatbedders. I had my application all sent in, my previous company had already sent back everything they needed to. All I had to do was fax my college transcripts (employment gap) and my long form physical plus take the whiz quiz and I would have been on my way.

    Also, new trucks don't have APU's, they have a version of opti idle if that matters to you. Best of luck my friend, I have no doubt it will turn around for you. Just remember to communicate, communicate, communicate. Hope to see you out here.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  10. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Staged at the J a block away from Wally. All went ok today after the regen start. Lovely 01:45 wake up call is set. Heyl says they got a load lined up to get me to Akron. See yall tomorrow.
  11. lester

    lester Midwest's #1 Feed Hauler

    Jan 2, 2012
    NW, Iowa
    Good people in akron. That's where I was born and raised and probably die
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
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