2 one year leases done. Going company for awhile

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by Linte_Loco, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. Linte_Loco

    Linte_Loco Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    LA (lower Alabama)
    Finishing my 2nd lease this week. Due to current events, I’m gonna step down for awhile and see how it all plays out.

    It’s been good with them leasing. I’ve made it to class 2. Have to take some test first. It could easily be done sooner, but I’m in no hurry. As I’ve said before, I’m not doing a cheap O/D load just to move up. Got approved for NUKES and engines. Haven’t done any yet.

    Averaging more than company, but stayed out a lot. But would take a week or more at home every 2 months on average. It gets predictable with their main contract freight. Many preloads that make it quick and easy. Never really go anywhere with a line or many trucks. Usually alone. But occasionally there are a few drivers going to the same place. But delays haven’t been too bad in those cases.

    I still believe the O/O`s get the better loads over company. Based on the variable weekly costs, it’s more beneficial to get O/O`s the miles.

    That’s the only thing that bothers me is the miles sometimes. I could make a killing running 5 shortys in the S.E like equipment, but I always end up with a long load It’s like they’re trying to get as much variable costs based on mileage as they can. And I get it. But I could run out of Bogart, GA all week and make a killing.

    It’s still one of the better lease only programs that I know of from a large carrier. It’s fair to both parties. Just work and be open to weird places, and you’ll do good.

    Always use their shop for work. Labor is 1/3 of any other shop/dealer. A $1000 bill at Peterbilt will be 300 or less at their shop.
    staceydude Thanks this.
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  3. staceydude

    staceydude Road Train Member

    Apr 3, 2020
    What are the LP truck payment and other expenses at ATS?
    Linte_Loco Thanks this.
  4. Linte_Loco

    Linte_Loco Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    LA (lower Alabama)
    Used trucks can be from 400-500 a week. My last was a new 2020 for 625 a week. Fixed expenses like insurance included and truck payment was about 875 a week. Variable costs was roughly 2-300 a week. I usually divided my miles by 4.4 and got about my variable costs. About $450 for 2k miles. I tried to stay below that I don’t have exact variables with me. But it’s maintainence/service/tires/brakes/etc. each a different cost per mile

    That fund is like a company slush that everyone uses. I have yet to have tires replaced on tractor or brake work
    staceydude Thanks this.
  5. staceydude

    staceydude Road Train Member

    Apr 3, 2020
    Thank you, I was reading through your 1st year thread. Really enjoy seeing your experience.
    Linte_Loco Thanks this.
  6. Linte_Loco

    Linte_Loco Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    LA (lower Alabama)
    I didn’t update a lot. I was working not killing myself really. Just staying out a lot. I never had to wait for a load. Turned some down, but always got something by days end. Sometimes it was better, sometimes not.

    I’ll miss not having a choice really. But I’ll make another move soon. Most likely with them, but in my own truck. I don’t know all the details of their truck purchase program, but anyone can always do better getting a truck on their own.
    and then lease with them most likely
    staceydude Thanks this.
  7. Bo Hunt

    Bo Hunt Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Their shop is horrible in my experience. Went for an emissions light. $500.00 O2 sensor. Light back on as I go out the gate. 3 weeks later had an electric issue in Quebec. Dealership finds all of my problems were from a bad harness. $6.00 for the part, 1200 for the tow (I was pretty far up), plus hotel for the weekend. All because the mechanic (I use that term loosely) was lazy.

    Ride height arm was broken. Houston shop, instead of fixing right, did a sloppy weld repair that got written as a defect when I turned truck in. Refused to change the mount. So I got double billed essentially.

    When I got the truck, I noted various interior defects. Was informed I was leasing a used truck, those are the breaks. Turnin time I was hit for 6k in interior repairs as they were going to sell it so needed it to look new. They even changed the T.V. bracket that had never once been used.

    From a company driver standpoint, great company, but I cannot recommend their lease program.
    jsnell Thanks this.
  8. M22 rockcrusher

    M22 rockcrusher Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2020
    Are you still there wondering things are now, I was at ats 2011 thru 2016 thinking about going back, safe travels
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