Do any of you wear masks due to fumes?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Js2k, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. Js2k

    Js2k Bobtail Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    Wondering if you guys just put up or deal with the smell while fueling up, or at a dock, truck stop or any place the smell is too much etc or do you or anyone you know go the extra mile by wearing some sort of mask to eliminate the smells?

    I ask this cuz a trucker friend of mine wraps his feet in bags while fueling to not bring it into his cab, and wears a filtered mask when he is in a place where diesel fumes are too much.

    Diesel exhaust fumes can cause cancer and it’s just risky to be inhaling that stuff constantly.
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  3. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    Wrapping feet in bags sounds a bit obsessive-compulsive.

    I was walking across the parking lot at Little America, WY and was almost gagging from the idling trucks but I'm not about to wear a mask.
  4. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
  5. singlescrewshaker

    singlescrewshaker Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2017
    Little Havana, FL

    I generally suit up about like this any time I step out of cab, not just on the fuel island..

  6. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I am a walking fuel fumes.

    If I don't get a snootful of fuel early in the morning I just cannot get motivated. That plus smoke and coffee equals a thousand miles today. Let me get the lava powder and wash off my fueled hands a minute before food. If I have time.

    High sulfur too. Its a wonder I thrived on that stuff. HA....
    Dave1837 and 650cat425 Thank this.
  7. LDLWells

    LDLWells Heavy Load Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    Here's what I can tell you, don't get anything on your skin. That's how it could enter your skin. Yes, you might think your skin keeps things out but somethings can get in. Now the only thing that'll protect you from all the stuff coming off diesel fumes is an scba. And I'm not sure you want to do that.

    They have a phrase, the best solution to pollution is dilution. That means keeping things off your face. Those little paint masks, even the ones with cartridges will only trap them inside your mask. We had a guy killed a few years ago on top of the tanks because he didn't like the vapors coming off the tank and he's wore one of those painting masks. They found him slumped over on the tank
    PE_T, MTN Boomer and x1Heavy Thank this.
  8. nredfor88

    nredfor88 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2019
    Here’s the deal. Driving a truck is dangerous to the health. It’s probably the most dangerous and unhealthy job one can do. After the road hazards, garbage fast food, lack of exercise, and poor hygiene, and pubic crappers that the guy before you just pee’d all over, a few carcinogenic fumes aren’t going to mater. And watch out for the DOT man that wants your money to help fund his retirement, and the money chasing lawyers if you mess up.

    If you want safe and healthy, driving a truck might not be the best move.
  9. nredfor88

    nredfor88 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2019
    Oh for the diesel fumes. Wear thick rubber gloves and avoid inhaling the fumes directly while fueling. If diesel exhaust bothers you, park away from other trucks as much as possible.
  10. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    No, I love the smell of diesel fuel, asphalt too. I think I'd laugh at someone wearing a mask fueling up.:laughing-guffaw: While diesel fumes may cause cancer, so does too much Mountain Dew, and besides, diesel smoke smells like money to me.:thumbup:
  11. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Most trucks are the new emissions trucks. So they are clean exhaust. The exhaust coming out of a new truck is cleaner the the air you breath in California. We can't live in a bubble, wearing bags to fuel sounds like a OCD

    The new emissions truck are so clean you can just about breath the air coming out. It is cleaner then the air in southern California.
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
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