Mudflap discounts? Are they slowing down?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by abyliks, Oct 3, 2023.

  1. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Road Train Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    Yeah I know there isn’t, and I’m sure they are secure, I just personally never liked the idea of having all sorts of people tied into my bank account….
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  3. Cdemars316

    Cdemars316 Medium Load Member

    Nov 10, 2018
    From my understanding mudflap does not set the price, the station does, in my area you get stations competing against one another (Kwik trip and Casey's) and they try and beat each other's prices. They both also go through periods where they give better prices to cards (like comdata for Kwik trip) so it's not mudflap it's the company screwing with the discount
  4. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    nothing goes through my bank account one credit card for personal one for buisness paid off every month or some months I’ll leave ~$100 balance so they can get a little interest to keep them happy, plus I get the cash back, and if it gets hacked, it’s not my money I’m waiting to get back

    fuel delivered to my yard is usually ~10 cents a gallon more then the closest mud flap but still a good 10-20+ cents off the pump, but when you factor in throwing away a fuel filter every time I get fuel there and the #### layout of their fuel pumps the 10 cents becomes worth it

    seems the Onvos are no longer mud flap either, so canaan NY stop is back out for paying pump price now
    Sons Hero Thanks this.
  5. Ruthless

    Ruthless Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    The City.

    i hit that pride in chicopee right at 291 for mudflap/// if the discount isnt significant i aint wasting my time.

    same for me- there is ####ing zero chance I’m giving sanjay whatever the #### my bank info for a $0.01 discount per gallon. And with that new processing fee, if it isnt a noteable discount over what I can get @3% cashback they can #### right off.
    Sons Hero and TheLoadOut Thank this.
  6. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    if you put the motive fuel card they waive the fee.
  7. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    Pride is always the one I have fuel issues with, maybe it’s just an n14 thing that injectors just hate me anyway.

    usually the citgo in Westfield is about the same price as Mudflap but doesn’t seem to have issues with filters, if I’m coming from. The east I’ll scoot down 84 a few exits to that Mobil next to pilot,

    there’s another mobil in Gill off rt 2 by 91 if I’m coming in from that way and forget to call and get the skid tank filed, I try not to buy fuel in VT because it’s usually more with less ifta, although the Irving’s cut heavy with kero in the winter so if it’s going to be cold I use them

    usually I make sure I roll out with enough to hit the sheetz in bethel PA since it’s up the road from the barn, usually a smidge cheaper once you subtract PA ifta
  8. Ruthless

    Ruthless Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    The City.

    Apparently that irving card gets good discounts if you run up that way/ i dont, but its cheaper than any other maine/nh fuel apparently and good in the winter.
  9. skallagrime

    skallagrime Road Train Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    Can anyone explain why it makes more sense to use a credit card than simply having a bank account setup exclusively for fuel usage?

    You dont like it is a fine reason, but thats not that compelling.

    If you are worried about someone nefarious accessing your account, what worries does using a credit card aleviate? Those are just as easy to get at, with the card number, its even easier to steal. The fraud protection with cards is usually no better than a bank.

    If you get cashback on cc purchases, sure thats great, but you still have to go and pay off the card each month (extra steps) in order to keep from losing that benefit. And even then, the cashback a. Frequently has limits and types of purchases its eligible for, and b. The credit card companies are betting, not incorrectly that most people wont pay off the balance, so they get to charge interest, wiping out the gain, obviously they arent in the buisness of giving away money, so even if you are perfect, most people arent.

    If using a card to build credit, thats sort of reasonable, but by the time almost anyone has the ability to do that, youre either swimming in debt already, or youre so cash flush that it really doesnt matter.

    Basically i see no valid reason to use a credit card where the bank account is ultimately funding things, so what is the real hangup?
  10. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    Someone wipes out your bank account it’s your money that’s gone

    someone wipes out a credit card its the credit card companies money that is gone

    I easily do over $1500 in cash back a year
    Sons Hero Thanks this.
  11. Cdemars316

    Cdemars316 Medium Load Member

    Nov 10, 2018
    Sorry I don't even give my bank account login info to my wife, certainly not putting it out there on the internet, I also don't put my debit card on any app or save the info anywhere for any reason. I use my miles card on mudflap, and take a trip for free every year if I can get time. Pay off the credit card at the end of every month and take the miles
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