Discussion in 'ELD Forum | Questions, Answers and Reviews' started by trucker7841, Jan 16, 2024.

  1. trucker7841

    trucker7841 Bobtail Member

    Dec 28, 2023

    For those of you who use the Garmin ELD, have you ever had issues sending the inspection report when stopped at a scale or by a DOT officer?

    I was recently subject to a random roadside inspection and the dot officer showed me what he got from garmin when I punched his email in on the inspection tab and it was just a chart with a bunch of numbers and did not have the proper RODS information.

    I have contacted garmin several times and they have been no help whatsoever. I tried sending my self a mock copy of the RODS and same thing it just has an excel sheet with a ton of numbers and does not have the proper log graph and it’s impossible to decipher all those numbers into duty status and what not.

    Thank you in advance for any input!
    William Schulz and KB3MMX Thank this.
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  3. KB3MMX

    KB3MMX Road Train Member

    Dec 29, 2014
    Orrstown, PA
    I thought they discontinued their ELD program....

  4. North Pole Nightmare

    North Pole Nightmare Heavy Load Member

    Dec 15, 2021
    TX2Day Thanks this.
  5. Navigatorpirate

    Navigatorpirate Bobtail Member

    Mar 14, 2021
    Orange County
    30 min ago I had the same issue with an inspection report. Fortunately officer didn’t put me out of service or any violation but advised to contact garmin support which was totally useless. Thinking to switch to another ELD to avoid a problems in future

  6. PirateBox

    PirateBox Bobtail Member

    Aug 19, 2018
    I have no problems with Garmin ELD
    You can view and check you elogs from the fmcsa website:
    You can download the application to your computer and check the CSV files format.
    ELD - Web eRODS
    Officers on the road uses the same website or app for check the RODS. Not only for Garmin, this app is for ALL ELD brands who export his files in CSV format.
    If you read the manual, when you export the file, you can export a CSV file and a HTML file for those Polices who have CSV reading problems or similar.
    I love Garmin it is the best Tool i ever have used for truckers or owners.

    PD: IF you want to share your data with a PRIVATE company you can use Motive and pay to them. (No thanks)
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
  7. PirateBox

    PirateBox Bobtail Member

    Aug 19, 2018
    I have no problems with Garmin ELD
    You can view and check you elogs from the fmcsa website:
    You can download the application to your computer and check the CSV files format.
    ELD - Web eRODS
    Officers on the road uses the same website or app for check the RODS. Not only for Garmin, this app is for ALL ELD brands who export his files in CSV format.
    If you read the manual, when you export the file, you can export a CSV file and a HTML file for those Polices who have CSV reading problems or similar.
    I love Garmin it is the best Tool i ever have used for truckers or owners.

    PD: IF you want to share your data with a PRIVATE company you can use Motive and pay to them. (No thanks)
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
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